Monthly Archives: December 2020

Are You Thriving?


verb (used without object), thrived or throve  [throhv], thrived or thriv·en  [thrivuhn], thriv·ing.

to prosper; be fortunate or grow or develop vigorously; flourish:The children thrived in the country.

2020 has been a special year. I think that goes without saying. Looking back there’s been terrific moments and some uncomfortable moments. No doubt some exciting moments have occured in 2020.

People focusing their attention on COVID-19. People focusing their attention on RACISM. People focusing their attention on POLITICS. People focusing their attention on SO MANY THINGS.

It’s easy to get distracted on so many shiny objects in the season the world is in presently. Transition, upheaval and tremendous uncertainties prevail in our lives in unprecedented measure.

How are all of these manifestations affecting the Kingdom of God that’s within YOU?!

Everything I’ve mentioned above are all outward realities. The question is what’s taking place within your own soul? Within your mind? Within your heart?

Are you shaken or stirred?

The reality for the follower of Christ is that we ought to be completely unmoved by outward appearances. It doesn’t matter what our eyes see. It doesn’t matter what our ears hear. It doesn’t mater our feelings feel.

The reality of the matter is that we are not of this world. We are foreigners just passing through. If that’s the case, health crisis, racial crisis, political crisis, or any other crisis… we are equipped to THRIVE!

Right now! Right now! There’s never been more opportunity to absolutely thrive in the earth. If you’re not able to thrive in the reality to which we live there’s something being missed. There’s something that needs to change because now it’s so available to those who seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

We need to get after it people because the harvest has NEVER been riper than it is at this very moment. It’s time to harvest and deploy resources. It’s time to use unrighteous mammon for the express intent of populating heaven.

Time to move passed pity parties.
Time to move passed naval gazing.
Time to get out of the pew.
Time to get out of the lazy-boy.

Time to be bold. Time to be courageous. Time to believe for great and awesome things.

Time to get after it.

It’s time to THRIVE!!