I had a hard time sleeping tonight fighting thoughts on how challenging I was finding to live my marriage sometimes. I remembered Heidi sharing slightly at a conference about how it took years before Roland offered her a gift (a perfume) and how she thought « Hallelujah Jesus is alive ». So I figured I needed to find a testimony about Heidi & Roland’s marriage story.
This podcast was very encouraging to me! To be recalled in a simple way that God IS sovereign & loving (« He picked us »), that forgiveness is key (« Don’t argue. Just say I’m sorry and mean it »), that LOVE WINS (the power of covenant).
Thank you SO much!
I had a hard time sleeping tonight fighting thoughts on how challenging I was finding to live my marriage sometimes. I remembered Heidi sharing slightly at a conference about how it took years before Roland offered her a gift (a perfume) and how she thought « Hallelujah Jesus is alive ». So I figured I needed to find a testimony about Heidi & Roland’s marriage story.
This podcast was very encouraging to me! To be recalled in a simple way that God IS sovereign & loving (« He picked us »), that forgiveness is key (« Don’t argue. Just say I’m sorry and mean it »), that LOVE WINS (the power of covenant).
Thank you SO much!
So glad to hear you were encouraged. Thank you for leaving a comment!
God bless you and your marriage. 🙂