This is a brilliant content piece with 80 parts to it. Walk through the sands of time to understand human history according to the Bible. I’m half way through at this point and have found this documentary of sorts, fascinating. Perfect for a long car ride or a Sunday morning.
Category Archives: Salvation
Jim Caviezel Testimony (Actor Who Played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ Film)
Jim Caviezel Testimony (Actor Who Played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ Film)
Listen as Jim recounts his experience in playing the role of Jesus Christ in the Passion of the Christ. There is a cost to the gospel and Jim shares the cost in which he paid to play this role and be a part of this project. Inspiring, convicting and compelling – Jesus is worthy of all we have to offer Him.
If you’re on the fence as to the things of life and death, please, make a decision to serve Jesus or serve Satan. It’s not possible to do both. Choose this day whom you shall serve.
Bill Wiese – Recounts 23 Minutes in Hell Experience
Please take the time to listen to this message.
“If you knock on a strangers door, tell him you’re a good a person and I’m moving in with you. That person would not let you live with them because you say you’re a good person. Your goodness has nothing to do with the stranger’s decision making. The reason the stranger won’t let you move in with him is because you have no relationship with him. In like, we can’t live our entire life apart from Jesus, die and think that we can knock on Heaven’s door expecting Him to take us in is a huge misconception.”
We need to have a relationship with Jesus now. Heaven starts now. Eternity is now. The question is what choice are we going to make regarding our relationship to Jesus right now, today, this very moment???
Check this message out and let me know what you think in the comments below. Peace be with you.
Lou Engle on the power of Prayer and Fasting
Great message by Lou Engle on the power of prayer and fasting. This message was January 9th, 2008. I hope you’re encouraged in the things of God for this hour in history. Blessings in Jesus name.