Tag Archives: Amanda Cook

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement – Amanda Cook

Mercy triumphs over judgement.

Praise The Most High.

Love to give mercy.
Do justly.
Walk humbly moment to moment.

FREEDOM is NOW! He died on the cross and rose again for all of us to know LOVE now. Know Him now! wow.

Holy Spirit invade the earth as the waters cover the sea. By Your Spirit Y’shua overtake the inhabitants of the earth. Come Holy Spirit, come. Come LORD Y’shua… come! Touch the one reading this right now. Touch the one listening to this right now. Pour out Your Spirit YHWH. Thank You. Amen.

You Don’t Give Your Heart in Pieces

How often do we give our hearts to the Creator or others, in pieces? Holding back? Fearful? Disconnected?

What if we could trust His everlasting love? What if we could believe Him for longer than that distraction of wind and waves?

What would it look like to fully believe in His unfailing love for us to then translate to others?


Conceivable. Believable… UNconditional love.
