Tag Archives: disciples of Jesus

Maturing the Bride of Christ by Francis Chan

Francis Chan is such a breath of fresh air for the body of Christ. I love this conversation on the picture of maturity. I am filled with anticipation for the Bride of Christ to move beyond the current plateau. It’s time to put the milk away.

Hey, we’re all guilty of falling short, and some of the antics Christians pull are down right silly. I’m guilty, and you’re guilty, so what do we do with it? Forgive. Forgiveness is this absent unspoken thing within the Church. People generally don’t do Matthew 18. People generally don’t go to their brother before leaving the gift at the altar to reconcile differences. Unforgiveness reigns in the heart of man, and yet the claimer of Christ still thinks they’re okay. “I’m okay.” Imagine how much different society would become or marriages for that matter with intentional forgiveness face-to-face. Credible. They’d be totally credible.

Is it just me or does the Church at times seem to be filled with false pretense and people attempting to play nice. Imagine for a second if the Church could get rid of being nice and start getting real? True love would begin to flow. Hearts could sit in an atmosphere where they might warm towards one another. Sure it might be challenging, awkward and on the other side of awkward, healing and love could spring forth. Real unity and fellowship of the brethren. Real honor will manifest.

Devoted. There’s a scary word for the Church. What a picture that word paints. Devotion for and to one another. Wow. Dedicated people drawn together in His love. Powerful.

Francis Chan is always concise, compassionate and to the point. Way to address the elephants in the room.

Lord, release. Release it and let the Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Mature us and make us Biblical. I forgive everyone, for everything, with my whole heart, my whole heart and I bless all those who have caused me harm intentionally or unintentionally. In Y’shua’s name. Thank You. Amen.