Tag Archives: identity



What an amazing idea this word represents.

  • ”  an act or instance of transmitting

  • 2 a :  information transmitted or conveyed b :  a verbal or written message

  • 3 a :  a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior <the function of pheromones in insect communication>; also :  exchange of information b :  personal rapport <a lack of communication between old and young persons>

  • 4 plural a :  a system (as of telephones) for transmitting or exchanging information b :  a system of routes for moving troops, supplies, and vehicles c :  personnel engaged in transmitting or exchanging information

  • 5 plural but sing or plural in constr a :  a technique for expressing ideas effectively (as in speech) b :  the technology of the transmission of information (as by print or telecommunication)”

    From Merriam Webster

In the absence of communication, thoughts, perceptions and judgements – right ones or wrong ones form.  It’s amazing to me how often communication is in-effective, non-existent or completely misunderstood.  It happens every day.

I think the biggest challenge is between men and women. Two humans wired similarly, yet, completely different.  Different focuses. Different perspective. Different ideas. Different dreams. The list goes on.

Repeatedly, through-out society we see misunderstanding happen again and again.  No matter what the intention seems to be good, bad or ugly, in the absence of communication, poor judgement, condemnation, fear, anxiety, worry, and lies can form that are completely unfounded.  It seems the accuser of the brethren surfs on the the verbal ques, miss ques, etc and fills in the gaps of the unknown with a totally bogus story-line. Unfortunately, this tactic works  occurs over and over and over again.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “One of the biggest, if not the biggest issues with the fall (that came as a result of sin and disconnectedness to YHWH) is the impurity and brokenness of communication.” Perfect communication and understanding fell by the way side completely.  Think about how many wars could have been prevented, marriages or businesses could have stayed together??? Countless. All because of communication issues.

Fear came in where transparency used to be.  With the shed blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we now can come boldly to the throne of grace.  We are restored.  If we can do that with the Most High, why not come boldly one to another?  Matthew 5 and 18 both talk about going to the one who apposes you, to work it out.  Another scripture comes to mind, “as much as it depends upon you live at peace with all men.” Two people seeking to follow Jesus, ought to come to peaceable conclusions in any situation.  Who knows, maybe it’s just me?  Maybe I need to raise my standard and everyone else already speaks boldly the truth in their heart, transparently in compassion for one another or maybe people are simply afraid of confrontation?  Satan wins if this kind of fear goes on.  This is what he wants, separation, with nobody communicating only letting the problem marinate longer and longer.  I can’t help but think of the scripture, “cowards have their place in the lake of fire…” paraphrasing of course.

8 “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” – Revelation 21:8 NKJV

God’s people are not cowards.  Is this in context? Out of context?  You be the judge… I can handle it either way.

Talking about each other, rather than to each other, is such a waste of time. It will be an amazing day when we mature to a place where we can be completely transparent and okay with someone else’s perspective that is completely contrary to our own view.  Think of it, love, in total disagreement.  Thoughts discussed with honor, dignity and care for the other individual, without insecurely having to defend one’s own belief and writing the apposing view/individual off completely with the “them vs. us” mentality.  Healthy discussions, so enriching and stimulating.

Going after agreement, disagreement, truth, honor, compassion and dignity all at once is totally possible, when everyone in the room is capable of being an adult.  Let’s grow up.  I have much room to grow personally, yet, hopeful and excited for the possibility of more. There’s so much more.

Super expectant for the possibility of growth and maturity taking place in the days ahead. Yay Holy Ghost helper! Help us Your people. In Y’shua’s name. Amen. 🙂

PS – You’re free to not amen that prayer if you disagree. It’s really okay. It’s super okay. 😉


Any thoughts, comments, ideas?  You’re more than welcome to share freely and openly.  I triple dog dare you… that’s right, the TRIPLE DOG DARE….. lol

Just remember, you’re not a coward.  If nothing else, I hope you’re entertained and amused.  Plus, now you have more to talk about with them. 😉

Communication. What a trip.